Issue 35: 2016 01 07: Week in Brief: UK

07 January 2016 Week in Brief: UK FLOODS: The severe floods which have affected the North of England and Scotland have caused £billions worth of damage. It is thought that most of the damage is not covered by insurance. The Government has been criticised for what is seen as a North/South divide, with insufficient funds… Continue reading Issue 35: 2016 01 07: Week in Brief: UK

Issue 34: 2015 12 24: Week in Brief: UK

24 December 2015 Week in Brief: UK LIBYA: The Government is preparing to send 1,000 troops to Libya to support local forces in an attempt to stop Isis fighters from dominating the country. LABOUR PARTY: Jeremy Corbyn has been warned by Peter Mandelson that the party has lost 30,000 members recently, through the resignations of… Continue reading Issue 34: 2015 12 24: Week in Brief: UK

Issue 33: 2015 12 17: Week in Brief: UK

17 December 2015 Week in Brief: UK ENVIRONMENT: The commitment in the Paris agreement to pursue efforts to keep global warning down to 1.5° C above pre-industrial levels would require a substantial step up from Britain.  Until now the Committee on Climate Change has worked on the basis of 2C°, the maximum envisaged by Paris. … Continue reading Issue 33: 2015 12 17: Week in Brief: UK

Issue 32: 2015 12 10: Week in Brief: UK

10 December 2015 Week in Brief: UK STORM DESMOND: Record rainfall in Cumbria has led to widespread flooding with much of the city of Carlisle underwater.  The 15.9 inches of rain which fell within a 48-hour period at Thirlmere, Cumbria, was a new record, beating the previous record of 15.6 inches set in 2009.  Water… Continue reading Issue 32: 2015 12 10: Week in Brief: UK

Issue 31: 2015 12 03: Week in Brief: UK

03 December 2015 Week in Brief: UK AUTUMN STATEMENT: The Chancellor’s job was made much easier by a re-computation of tax take and debt servicing costs, which gave him an extra £28.5 billion over the next five years.  That meant that he did not have to go ahead with the proposed elimination of tax credits for… Continue reading Issue 31: 2015 12 03: Week in Brief: UK

Issue 27: 2015 11 05: Week in Brief: UK

05 November 2015 Week in Brief: UK POPULATION FIGURES: The Office for National Statistics predicts that over the next twenty-five years the population of the UK will increase from 64,600,000 to 74,300,000. By then it will have overtaken that of France and, if trends continue, it will overtake that of Germany in 2047. The projected… Continue reading Issue 27: 2015 11 05: Week in Brief: UK

Issue 25: 2015 10 22: Week In Brief: UK

22 October 2015 Week In Brief: UK TAX CREDIT:  The Chancellor’s plan to withdraw tax credits from next spring has come under fire from members of his own party who are concerned at the effect on low-paid working families.  Those members include Lord Tebbit and the Bow Group.  Since the changes are being introduced by… Continue reading Issue 25: 2015 10 22: Week In Brief: UK

Issue 25: 2015 10 22 A rumbling of tumbrils

22 October 2015 A Rumbling of Tumbrils What Blairite Labour MPs need to do to avoid the slaughter. by John Watson Perhaps it was Batman. Perhaps it was Superman. After so many years it is hard to remember which. Still, the story in the comic was a vivid one. The inhabitants of a futuristic city… Continue reading Issue 25: 2015 10 22 A rumbling of tumbrils

Issue 22: 2015 10 01: Week in Brief: UK

01 October 2015 Week in Brief: UK CYBERCRIME: According to The Times, less than one in every hundred cases of online fraud is investigated by the police, with 3,200,000 frauds over the last year resulting in less than 9,000 being followed up. A computer program is used to identify which cases warrant action by the… Continue reading Issue 22: 2015 10 01: Week in Brief: UK

Issue 20: 2015 09 17: News in Brief: UK

17 September 2015 Week In Brief: UK NEWS LABOUR LEADER: On Saturday it was announced that left winger Jeremy Corbyn had been elected leader of the Labour Party with nearly 60% of the vote.  Tom Watson, who comes from the centre of the party, has been elected deputy leader.  Mr Corbyn’s team includes John McDonnell as… Continue reading Issue 20: 2015 09 17: News in Brief: UK

Issue 16: 2015 08 20: Now I’m a Union Man

20 August 2015 “Now I’m a Union Man” by J R Thomas So sang The Strawbs in 1973, at number two in the charts in February that year. Jeremy Corbyn must be singing the same song in the shower as he contemplates the extraordinary surge of success propelling him towards a clear first round win… Continue reading Issue 16: 2015 08 20: Now I’m a Union Man

Issue 15: 2015 08 13:Leadership Matters

13 August 2015                                                 Leadership Matters by J.R. Thomas                                                                       On each side of the Atlantic the struggles continue. On the western side of the ocean, to edge ever nearer to being the possible leader of the free world in 2016; on the eastern side, a rather longer term play, to move towards becoming Her Majesty’s first… Continue reading Issue 15: 2015 08 13:Leadership Matters

Issue 15: 2015 08 13 UK News

13 August 2015 Week in Brief: UK NEWS CHARITY COLLAPSE:  Kids Company, the charity founded by Ms Batmanghelidj in 1996 has closed following allegations of financial mismanagement and questions over its practices.  The charity, which drew support from the government as embodying its Big Society agenda, employed some 650 staff and made use of 10,000… Continue reading Issue 15: 2015 08 13 UK News

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