Issue 21:2015 09 24: THE BEAUX’ STRATAGEM

24 September 2015 THE BEAUX’ STRATAGEM (George Farquhar) Olivier Theatre, National Theatre, London SE1 reviewed by Neil Tidmarsh George Farquhar wrote his masterpiece “The Beaux’ Stratagem” over three centuries ago. Would we in the twenty-first century be able to cheer on a pair of aristocratic ne’er-do-wells as they ruthlessly hunt for rich wives? Would a… Continue reading Issue 21:2015 09 24: THE BEAUX’ STRATAGEM

Issue 21: 2015 09 24: Week in Brief:BUSINESS AND THE CITY

24 September 2015 Week in Brief:BUSINESS AND THE CITY BREAKDOWN: The extraordinary confession by Volkswagen Group that it had carried out sophisticated amendments to the software which governs its car engine management systems, so that when the engine is under test it will reduce emissions to meet USA standards – which the engines in normal… Continue reading Issue 21: 2015 09 24: Week in Brief:BUSINESS AND THE CITY

Issue 21: 2015 09 24: DECLINE AND FALL

24 September 2015 DECLINE AND FALL? by Neil Tidmarsh This week, the EU struck yet another blow against democracy in Europe.  An EU ‘qualified majority vote’ has imposed compulsory immigrant quotas across the zone (though not in Britain, which has an ‘opt-out’).  In other words, the giants France and Germany have forced the smaller countries… Continue reading Issue 21: 2015 09 24: DECLINE AND FALL

Issue 20: 2015 09 17: Steel Yourselves

17 September 2015                                                                  Steel Yourselves by J.R.Thomas                                                          One of the most famous photographs of Mrs Thatcher was taken in spring 1987 as the Iron Lady strode across the site of the ironworks of Headly Wrightson, a demolished and derelict wasteland in central Middlesbrough; sensible heels crossing rubble and ruts, she explained that Britain must move… Continue reading Issue 20: 2015 09 17: Steel Yourselves

Issue 20:2015 09 17:letters

17 September 2015 Letter Time is running out in the Middle East Sir John Watson’s article was educational for those of us sketchy about the last days of General Gordon. But I am uncomfortable about the parallels he draws with the current Middle East situation.  Gordon was in the Sudan on British government business and… Continue reading Issue 20:2015 09 17:letters

Issue 20:2015 09 17: Third-Wave Feminism

17 September 2015 Third-Wave Feminism Proudman or Proud Lady? by Lynda Goetz Much has been written about the barrister, Charlotte Proudman, aged 27, in the last week; some of it supportive, some condemnatory and the rest more than slightly incredulous at all the fuss. For anyone who has been on Mars or in the Maldives… Continue reading Issue 20:2015 09 17: Third-Wave Feminism

Issue 20: 2015 09 17: Brave New World for the Labour Party?

17 September 2015 Brave New World for the Labour Party A Day to Remember A View from the Left by Don Urquhart Everyone remembers where they were on 11th September 2001 when the destruction of the World Trade Centre was beamed round the world.  For George W Bush and the Military Industrial Complex it was the… Continue reading Issue 20: 2015 09 17: Brave New World for the Labour Party?

Issue 20; 2015 09 17: Review of Photograph 51

17 September 2015 PHOTOGRAPH 51 Noel Coward Theatre, London WC2 by Neil Tidmarsh In 1963, the Nobel prize for physiology or medicine was awarded to Francis Crick, James Watson and Maurice Wilkins for the discovery of the structure of DNA ten years earlier. Anna Ziegler’s play ‘Photograph 51’ is about a fourth scientist, Rosalind Franklin,… Continue reading Issue 20; 2015 09 17: Review of Photograph 51

Issue 20: 2015 09 17: A cruel and ugly truth

17 September 2015 A cruel and ugly truth by Neil Tidmarsh One of the most interesting things I read this week was a letter to the Guardian from Leslie Brent, Emeritus Professor, University of London. As one of the Kindertransport children of 1938-39, he is urging a more generous response to the current refugee crisis.… Continue reading Issue 20: 2015 09 17: A cruel and ugly truth

Issue 19:10 September 2012: Labour Leadership Notes

10 September 2012 Labour Leadership Notes by Don Urquhart A few thoughts from the left as the Labour leadership election approaches a final reckoning. Easy as ABC Alastair Campbell has coined the acronym ABC (Anyone But Corbyn) to summarise his advice to the Labour leadership electorate.  The ABC crew flood the internet with self-congratulatory emails.… Continue reading Issue 19:10 September 2012: Labour Leadership Notes

Issue 19:2015 09 10:How to be a Tedious Teenager

10 September 2015 How to be a Tedious Teenager by Lynda Goetz The Guide  Parents, as we all know, can be terminally tedious and irritating. Teenagers have far more understanding of how the modern world really works and should, of course, be left to get on with their lives without interference from boring adults. Here… Continue reading Issue 19:2015 09 10:How to be a Tedious Teenager

Issue 19: 2015 09 10:INTERNATIONAL NEWS

10 September 2015 Week in Brief:INTERNATIONAL NEWS     AFGHANISTAN: Thirteen Shia Muslims were murdered in Balkh province. The Taliban have condemned the attack and have blamed it on Isis. In-fighting among the Taliban has broken out as break-away factions challenge the power of its new leader, Mullah Akhtar Mansour, and some defect to Isis.… Continue reading Issue 19: 2015 09 10:INTERNATIONAL NEWS

Issue 19:2015 09 10: Are the French really out to lunch?

10 September 2015 Are the French really out to lunch? Or are the English several sandwiches short of a decent ‘picnique’? by Richard Pooley “Oh la vache!”* exclaimed Alain. He’s an ex-rugby player and keen supporter of our local Top 14 club, Brive – but when told last weekend that the next home match would… Continue reading Issue 19:2015 09 10: Are the French really out to lunch?

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