Issue 366: 2024 04 02: Cover page

Cover Page, 2 May 2024, Issue 366

Welcome to our May issue.

This month we consider: gambling with public utilities; Angela Rayner and her Tory opponents; honey for MPs; tributes to our Corbynista, the late great Don Urquhart, from the Shaw Sheet and his family; rearmament – more like the 1860’s than the 1930’s?; navigation by satellite; the media’s carnage (it’s not cricket); growing old; plus of course a crossword from Boffles and cartoons from AGGro.

Making bets
Modern Tories
Sex and politics
A tribute
An example to us all
A '30s moment or a '60s moment?
The wrecking agenda
Threat to GPS
When does that happen?
Number 366
An alternative view
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