
Thumbnail Don Urquhart Red Sky Lenin Cast of Play Red Dawn

4 May 2024


A tribute.

By The Shaw Sheet
Mug shot of Don Urquhart

It is with the greatest sadness that we have to report the death of our columnist Don Urquhart, better known to our readers as Corbynista. Don was a stalwart of the Shaw Sheet team, not only as a regular columnist but also in his unfailing enthusiasm for the venture as a whole, his help in finding contributors and his wise counsel. It is typical of him that despite being gravely ill he contributed to our April issue and had begun to pull together thoughts of what he would have said in May.

A man of strongly held political views, which he would staunchly defend, he never let political differences sour personal relationships and always accepted editorial restraints with complete good humour. The best people among the politically committed are those whose friends include people who disagree with them, who can debate without rancour, who see people and not just ideas. By any of these tests Don’s quality shone out.

Don will be badly missed at the Shaw Sheet, not just because we have lost a columnist, not just because we have lost a team member but, far more importantly, because we have lost a friend.

The Shaw Sheet

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