Issue 29: 2015 11 29 International News

19 November 2015 Week In Brief: INTERNATIONAL NEWS AFGHANISTAN:  Seven people were wounded when presidential guards shot at protesters outside President Ghani’s official residence in Kabul.  The protesters were marching about the abduction and murder of seven members of the Hazari Shia minority, and were reportedly trying to scale the palace walls. Taliban forces have taken… Continue reading Issue 29: 2015 11 29 International News

Issue 28:2015 11 12: International news

12 November 2015 Week in Brief: INTERNATIONAL AFGHANISTAN: A breakaway group of Taliban militants has defected to Isis, leading to heavy fighting between rival groups in the southern province of Zabul. The murder of seven Shia muslims from the Hazara minority suggests that militants are trying to stir up sectarian conflict. BRAZIL: More than 15… Continue reading Issue 28:2015 11 12: International news

Issue 27:2015 11 05:Week in Brief International

05 November 2015 Week In Brief: INTERNATIONAL AFGHANISTAN: In the aftermath of last week’s 7.5 magnitude earthquake which killed at least 370 people and injured more than 2000, the Taliban are taking over Darqand in Takhar province. An ex-inmate of Guantanamo Bay, Abdul Rahim Muslim Dost, is the new leader of Isis in Afghanistan. A… Continue reading Issue 27:2015 11 05:Week in Brief International

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