Issue 40:2016 02 11: The UN Right and Wrong Council (Neil Tidmarsh)

11 February 2016 The UN Human Right and Wrong Council Wrong and right in a single week. by Neil Tidmarsh The two reports published by the UN Human Rights Council this week suggest that it is an even stranger beast than previously thought. But then the UN itself is in many ways a rather odd… Continue reading Issue 40:2016 02 11: The UN Right and Wrong Council (Neil Tidmarsh)

Issue 39: 2016 02 04: Europe rewards the Greek Islands

04 February 2016 Europe Rewards The Greek Islands with the threat of prosecution. by Neil Tidmarsh Europe has a plan. Immigration across the Aegean Sea will not be allowed (any migrant who does cross will be returned) and instead 250,000 asylum seekers a year will be accepted from refugee camps in Turkey. Attitudes across the… Continue reading Issue 39: 2016 02 04: Europe rewards the Greek Islands

Issue 39: 2016 02 04: Lynching Google (John Watson)

04 February 2016 Lynching Google Analysis of a tax witch-hunt. By John Watson What are the ingredients of a witch-hunt?  No, put down that recipe book, I am not talking about a new form of gateaux but rather the sort of thing that went on in mediaeval England with ducking stools, ostracism, stocks, lynchings and… Continue reading Issue 39: 2016 02 04: Lynching Google (John Watson)

Issue 39:2016 02 04: Not what we ordered (JR Thomas)

04 February 2016 Not What We Ordered by J.R.Thomas After the unexpected victory of the Conservative Party in Britain’s general election last May, the opinion pollsters entered into a rending of garments and agony of self-examination as to why they got it so wrong.  (We did explain in these pages that it was their failure… Continue reading Issue 39:2016 02 04: Not what we ordered (JR Thomas)

Issue 38: 2016 01 28: Labour’s Lessons From Defeat (John Watson)

28 January 2016 Labour’s Lessons from Defeat What we expect from Mr Corbyn. By John Watson The closure of Kellingley colliery may represent the end of deep mining for coal in the UK but the reader certainly has to do a lot of digging to extract from Margaret Beckett’s report “Learning the Lessons from Defeat”… Continue reading Issue 38: 2016 01 28: Labour’s Lessons From Defeat (John Watson)

Issue 38: 2016 01 28:Tories Nationalise Railways (JR Thomas)

28 January 2016 Tories Nationalise Railways by J.R.Thomas Apologies to confused readers; you are right, it is not April Fool’s Day . The proverbial Martian, newly arrived on earth and standing on a garishly decorated railway platform in London, might assume it is though. The Conservative Party is in favour of private enterprise, of allowing… Continue reading Issue 38: 2016 01 28:Tories Nationalise Railways (JR Thomas)

Issue 38:21 06 01 28:Pot and Kettle(Neil Tidmarsh)

28 January 2016 Pot and Kettle The irony of Brussels pointing fingers at Warsaw and Madrid. by Neil Tidmarsh Last week, MEPs investigating EU spending on foreign aid and development delivered their report to the European parliament. The Times managed to get hold of a copy of the report.  It seems that many of the… Continue reading Issue 38:21 06 01 28:Pot and Kettle(Neil Tidmarsh)

Issue 37:2016 01 21:The road to Peace (Neil Tidmarsh)

21 January 2016 The Road to Peace The journey to a new Syria is due to start in Geneva next Monday. By Neil Tidmarsh Peace-talks involving all Syrian parties fighting for or against Assad are due to start in Geneva on January 25, with a cease-fire coming into force at the same time.  Less than… Continue reading Issue 37:2016 01 21:The road to Peace (Neil Tidmarsh)

Issue 37: 2016 01 21: Clash of Cultures at Cologne (John Watson)

21 January 2016 Clash Of Cultures at Cologne Christian or not, children should be taught the principles of Christianity by John Watson If you have tears, prepare to shed them now.  No, not tears for the passing of Caesar but tears of sympathy for the unlucky, in this case tears for the ill luck of… Continue reading Issue 37: 2016 01 21: Clash of Cultures at Cologne (John Watson)

Issue 37: 2016 01 21: Anonymity or spotlight in rape cases? (Lynda Goetz)

21 January 2016 Anonymity Or Spotlight In Rape Cases? Where is the justice under the current system? by Lynda Goetz I have recently discovered a site called  This is a support and campaigning site for those wrongly accused of rape and their families.  It is worth a look.  It is reasonable and rational and… Continue reading Issue 37: 2016 01 21: Anonymity or spotlight in rape cases? (Lynda Goetz)

Issue 37: 2016 01 21: Charge!

21 January 2016 Charge! Fading Icons: Free Admission by J.R.Thomas As the youth of Britain find its way back to school, and its parents to work, both sides breathing discreet sighs of relief, the galleries and museums of Britain subside back to winter somnolence.  And their directors resume their habitual care – which is worrying… Continue reading Issue 37: 2016 01 21: Charge!

Issue 36:2016 01 14: Must advertise

14 January 2016 Must Advertise by J.R.Thomas “There is no such thing as bad publicity” the old advertising rubric has it.  And Donald Trump, his lead as front runner for the Republican Presidential nomination ever increasing, has proved that, in shovelfuls.  Whatever he says fills the headlines, and pushes the ratings up among the party… Continue reading Issue 36:2016 01 14: Must advertise

Issue36: 2016 01 14: Falling to Earth

14 January 2016 Falling to Earth by J.R.Thomas David Cameron shares with his forerunner Anthony Charles Lysander Blair a finger on the pulse of modern times and a ready quote to suit.  Last night on Sky Television he was asked his feelings about the death of David Bowie.  Our Prime Minister looked suitably sombre. “Genius”… Continue reading Issue36: 2016 01 14: Falling to Earth

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