Issue 129: 2017 11 16: The Tesco Advertisement (John Watson)

16 November 2017 The Tesco Advertisement What are immigrants invited to join? By John Watson It is all rather surprising.  When I heard that Tesco were being attacked on Twitter over the inclusion of Muslim families in their Christmas advertisement, I not unnaturally supposed that it was the work of Islamic fundamentalists.  Some North London… Continue reading Issue 129: 2017 11 16: The Tesco Advertisement (John Watson)

Issue 126: 2017 10 26: The Christian Anchor (John Watson)

26 October 2017 The Christian Anchor The Race Disparity Audit underlines its importance. By John Watson It is the word “worthy”, I suppose.  It should be so inspiring, redolent as it is with themes of good intentions and stout endeavour.  But it isn’t, is it?  Describe the cooking at a restaurant as “worthy” and most… Continue reading Issue 126: 2017 10 26: The Christian Anchor (John Watson)

Issue 86: 2017 01 05: Declumping Immigrant Communities (John Watson)

05 January 2017 Declumping Immigrant Communities The Casey report. by John Watson Rice, perfectly cooked so that each grain is light and separate, is one of the great delicacies of the eastern cuisine.  Badly cooked, so that the grains stick together in lumps, it becomes difficult to digest. The Casey review into “opportunity and integration”… Continue reading Issue 86: 2017 01 05: Declumping Immigrant Communities (John Watson)

Issue 83: 2016 12 08: Week in Brief: UK

08 December 2016 Week in Brief: UK Courts SUPREME COURT: The Government’s appeal to the Supreme Court, against the High Court decision that Parliamentary approval is required before notice is given to leave the EU under article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon, began on Monday.  The case turns on whether the supremacy of Parliament… Continue reading Issue 83: 2016 12 08: Week in Brief: UK

Issue 57: 2016 06 09: No to the eruv (John Watson)

09 July 2016 No to the Eruv Camden should not be allowed to sow religious division. By John Watson Perhaps it is because my family converted to Christianity some generations ago but, although I am a Jewish, I had not previously heard of an “eruv” and had to turn to Wikipedia in my efforts to… Continue reading Issue 57: 2016 06 09: No to the eruv (John Watson)

Issue 49: 2016 04 14: Week in Brief: UK

14 April 2016 Week in Brief: UK EU REFERENDUM: Among this week’s points: Brexit campaigners are angry that the government is spending £9.2 million pounds on a pro EU leaflet to be delivered to 27,000,000 homes. Although the government claims that the leaflet merely responds to poll indications that the public want further information, the… Continue reading Issue 49: 2016 04 14: Week in Brief: UK

Issue 37: 2016 01 21: Clash of Cultures at Cologne (John Watson)

21 January 2016 Clash Of Cultures at Cologne Christian or not, children should be taught the principles of Christianity by John Watson If you have tears, prepare to shed them now.  No, not tears for the passing of Caesar but tears of sympathy for the unlucky, in this case tears for the ill luck of… Continue reading Issue 37: 2016 01 21: Clash of Cultures at Cologne (John Watson)

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