A Country for Old Men 

Eagle Eyed

4 April 2024 A Country for Old Men by J.R. Thomas One more old man, anyway…  to add to that terrible twosome.  Last time though, we promised an update on the results of Super-Tuesday, thoughtlessly run just as the Shaw Sheet went to press, so first, let’s do that.  It was hardly a shock result. … Continue reading A Country for Old Men 

Conservative Confusion

4 April 2024 Conservative Confusion A matter of trust. By Lynda Goetz It is not unfair to say that the current Conservative party appears to have no real idea what it stands for. Its supporters, both long-standing and those more recently converted (or at least lending their votes to the party) seem to be deserting… Continue reading Conservative Confusion

Abbott and Hester

4 April 2024 Abbott and Hester Not at all fair. By John Watson I have no sympathy for the politics of Diane Abbott and nor, I think, do those who run the Labour party. That is presumably why they used the comments she made in a letter she wrote to the Observer as grounds for… Continue reading Abbott and Hester

Who Was George Downing?

4 April 2024 Who Was George Downing? Founding fathers. By Neil Tidmarsh Exasperated by the lack of talent in today’s Westminster? Tired of the mediocrity and dullness of modern politicians? Bored by the forgone conclusion of the forthcoming general election (whenever that might happen – but do we care – plus ca change etc etc)?… Continue reading Who Was George Downing?

Diary of a Corbynista

4 April 2024 Diary of a Corbynista Larry for PM by Don Urquhart 11 March 2024 Listening to the Oscar winners this morning I was astonished at how many of the movies I had seen.  Oppenheimer won 7 awards with Cillian Murphy and Robert Downey Junior shoo-ins.  I am a sucker for films about famous… Continue reading Diary of a Corbynista

When I Get Older….

4 April 2024 When I Get Older…. By Paul Branch There’s not a lot to be said for getting old.  Try as I might, the promised benefits and enjoyments of advancing years don’t seem quite so attractive now that Old Age has actually happened.   Freedom from worry was one happy circumstance to look forward to,… Continue reading When I Get Older….

The Grey Vote

7 March 2024 The Grey Vote Removing distortion. By John Watson Viewed narrowly, Michael Gove’s comment made to The Sunday Times, that if housing does not become more readily available younger generations may lose their faith in democracy, adds emphasis to his campaigns for the building of more houses and the reform of the law… Continue reading The Grey Vote

He’s Back

7 March 2024 He’s Back! by J.R. Thomas Those of you tuning in for the latest update on the USA primaries, and puzzled by our header, are right to be perplexed.  Neither Mr Trump nor Mr Biden are yet “back” in any sense, and indeed are still plodding down the long road of the primaries. … Continue reading He’s Back

Time For Rearmament

7 March 2024 Time For Rearmament We must get going. By Robert Kilconner Jehovah did not play cricket, or so you would assume if you read the Book of Joshua. There is no fair play involved at all. Suppose you were an innocent Canaanite, managing your flocks, occasionally fighting with your neighbours and generally carrying… Continue reading Time For Rearmament

Diary of a Corbynista

7 March 2024 Diary of a Corbynista Commons in Chaos by Don Urquhart 6 February 2024 Government frontbenchers are keen to tell us how much they want a ceasefire in Gaza, citing diplomatic initiatives they are undertaking with great energy and commitment.  What they will not discuss is the only measure that will deter the… Continue reading Diary of a Corbynista

Alexei Navalny

7 March 2024 Alexei Navalny Courage and cowardice. By Neil Tidmarsh So the bravest man in the world is dead. There was to be no fairy-tale ending for Russia’s folk hero (see Alexei Navalny, Shaw Sheet issue 246, 10/09/20), after all. But that’s no surprise. Even he must have known that he was a dead… Continue reading Alexei Navalny

Looking on the Bright Side

7 March 2024 Looking on the Bright Side by Paul Branch Sad news indeed about Eric Idle, Monty Pythoneer par excellence now apparently languishing in octogenarian penury and still having to work in order to put his financial affairs in order.   Amongst many comedy masterpieces he penned the classic funeral ode “Always Look on the… Continue reading Looking on the Bright Side

We need to talk about Islam

7 March 2024 We need to talk about Islam And the Western Blight on Sudanese Politics By James Morton Where the Blue Nile joins the White Nile the two rivers trace the shape of an elephant’s trunk, giving the name Khartoum to the capital of Sudan.  As the generals of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF)… Continue reading We need to talk about Islam

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