10 August 2017: Issue 117
The week’s news –
your chance to catch up:
Charlie Gard by John Watson
A reminder of the other issues.
The Virginia Strategy by J R Thomas
Yes, the Democrats are still there.
Consorting With Power by Neil Tidmarsh
Prince Philip and others.
That Shrinking Feeling by Frank O’Nomics
The subterfuge around trying to increase profits.
Universities In The News by Lynda Goetz
Economics and education.
The Silly Season Diary Of A Corbynista by Don Urquhart
Ruminations from the allotment.
The Holiday Competition by Chin Chin
A change in conversation.
A Better Plas by J R Thomas
The legacy of Clough Williams-Ellis.
The Tobacconist by Robert Seethaler (published by Pan Macmillan)
reviewed by Adam McCormack
Re – Normal Culture For Norfolk (Shaw Sheet issue 116) from Peter Wilson
Puzzles, Cartoons and Calendar
Cartoons by AGGro.
Crossword by Boffles: “Au Bord De La Mer”.
Solution to the last crossword “Plain Vanilla 23”.
What’s on in August 2017 by AGGro.
Earlier Editions