Issue 93: 2017 02 23: Beards (Chin Chin)

23 February 2017 Beards Shaping the whiskers. By Chin Chin It is said that great sculptors will spend days looking at a piece of marble before they make the first cut.  An inch to the right and Venus will be missing a nose.  An inch to the left and the curve of her body will… Continue reading Issue 93: 2017 02 23: Beards (Chin Chin)

Issue 21: 2015 09 24: Schism?

24 September 2015 Schism? Can the differences between the African and American churches be resolved? By John Watson In the eighteenth century the Church of England was described as the Conservative party at prayer, but at the moment it probably has more in common with Labour. That is not just because the Archbishop, a man… Continue reading Issue 21: 2015 09 24: Schism?

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