Issue 96: 2017 03 16: It’s the Bogeyman, stupid! (Richard Pooley)

16 March 2017 It’s The Bogeyman, Stupid! Playing the blame-game in France. By Richard Pooley For a few hours last Wednesday night and Thursday morning the majority of the French were able to escape from their presidential election and enjoy one of their greatest pastimes: watching those haughty Parisians making fools of themselves.  Football club… Continue reading Issue 96: 2017 03 16: It’s the Bogeyman, stupid! (Richard Pooley)

Issue 78: 2016 11 03: Terrorism and Security (Alexander Nimmo)

03 November 2016 Terrorism and Security Does a military presence make a city safer? by Alexander Nimmo I have been living in Paris since March 2016 and regularly travel between the capital and the UK. France declared a state of emergency following the Paris terror attacks in November 2015. The result of this state of… Continue reading Issue 78: 2016 11 03: Terrorism and Security (Alexander Nimmo)

Issue 75: 2016 10 13: Juppe? Qui est-il? (Richard Pooley)

13 October 2016 Juppé? Qui est-il? The Republican party primary this side of the Atlantic. by Richard Pooley The Trump-Clinton battle is not the only important presidential election going on at present. The French version has started in earnest, with the first two-round primary to choose the right-of-centre Republican Party candidate only two months away. … Continue reading Issue 75: 2016 10 13: Juppe? Qui est-il? (Richard Pooley)

Issue 57: 2016 06 09: Paris in Springtime (Lynda Goetz)

09 June 2016 Paris in Springtime This isn’t the Paris I remember! by Lynda Goetz Grey, wet and cold. It wasn’t supposed to be like this! Not that it was a romantic weekend or anything, but a weekend in Paris at the beginning of June should, I felt, have been a little less dismal. Some… Continue reading Issue 57: 2016 06 09: Paris in Springtime (Lynda Goetz)

Issue 37: 2016 01 21: A Car Which Speaks For Itself (Chin Chin)

21 January 2016 A Car Which Speaks For Itself By Chin Chin The Right Honourable Lord Todd of Trumpington became a consummate linguist largely, it is said, so that he could read the work of other scientists in their own languages.  But then of course he had little else to do, unless you include the… Continue reading Issue 37: 2016 01 21: A Car Which Speaks For Itself (Chin Chin)

Issue 29: 2015 11 19: Paris

19 February 2015 Paris Blocking the road from hell By John Watson The thinking behind the outrage in Paris is hard to understand.  This was no assault on the bastions of the capitalist and military establishment.  It was an attack on innocent people enjoying a pleasant evening out.  “Thank God it’s Friday” many of them… Continue reading Issue 29: 2015 11 19: Paris

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