Issue 122:2017 09 28:Kurdish Independence(Neil Tidmarsh)

28 September 2017 Kurdish Independence Celebration and anxiety. By Neil Tidmarsh So the inhabitants of Iraq’s Kurdish Autonomous Region (KAR) have voted for independence from Baghdad.  Who (outside the Middle East) wouldn’t give three cheers for this new country?  Who wouldn’t wish the Kurds and their new state well?  After all, it’s been over a… Continue reading Issue 122:2017 09 28:Kurdish Independence(Neil Tidmarsh)

Issue 110: 2017 06 22: After Isis (Neil Tidmarsh)

22 June 2017 After Isis To the victor, the spoils? by Neil Tidmarsh The news this week suggests that the end really is in sight for Isis as a territorial power. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Isis leader who declared its caliphate in 2014, has been killed in an airstrike on the Isis capital Raqqa, according… Continue reading Issue 110: 2017 06 22: After Isis (Neil Tidmarsh)

Issue 46: 2016 03 23:Week in brief International

24 March 2016 Week in Brief: International Europe BELGIUM: Three suicide bombers launched an attack on Brussels airport which killed at least 14 people and injured many others. It is believed that one of the attackers fled and is still at large.  Just over an hour later, a bomb attack on the Brussels underground Metro,… Continue reading Issue 46: 2016 03 23:Week in brief International

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