Issue 70:2016 09 08: Week in Brief (international)

08 September 2016 Week in Brief: International Europe EU: The EU’s head of foreign affairs, Federica Mogherini, announced plans for integrated EU military structures, to be discussed at a summit in Bratislava next week. FRANCE: Prosecutors recommended that Nicolas Sarkozy should be tried over allegations that fraudulent accounting hid over-spending during elections in 2012.  A… Continue reading Issue 70:2016 09 08: Week in Brief (international)

Issue 34: 2015 12 24: When a war zone becomes an economic tiger

24 December 2015 When a War Zone Becomes an Economic Tiger by Frank O’Nomics It started with intensive bombing in response to concerns that the west was under threat, and then progressed via boots on the ground to a lengthy, bloody conflict followed by a mass exodus of some 1.5 to 2 million people in… Continue reading Issue 34: 2015 12 24: When a war zone becomes an economic tiger

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