issue 116:2017 08 03:Week in Brief International

03 August 2017 Week in Brief: International Europe FRANCE: Macron promised to remove migrants from the streets and to house them in cheap hotels instead. The deradicalisation centre opened under the previous government has been closed, and the deradicalisation program judged a failure. STX, the country’s biggest ship-building company, is to be nationalised to prevent… Continue reading issue 116:2017 08 03:Week in Brief International

!ssue 115:2017 07 27:Week in Brief International

27 July 2017 Week In Brief: INTERNATIONAL NEWS Europe FRANCE:  The chief of the armed forces resigned after Macron gave him a dressing down for complaining about defence cuts. GREECE: A 6.7 magnitude earthquake in the Aegean (hitting the Greek island of Kos, and also Bodrum in Turkey) left 2 people dead and 500 injured.… Continue reading !ssue 115:2017 07 27:Week in Brief International

Issue 106: 2017 5 25: Week in Brief international

25 May 2017 Week In Brief: INTERNATIONAL NEWS Europe FRANCE:  Emmanuel Macron announced his cabinet, of 11 men and 11 women.  It includes two defectors from the Socialist government and two defectors from the Republican top rank. Brazil’s anti-corruption inquiry, Operation Car Wash, has extended to France, with investigations into alleged links between French lobbying… Continue reading Issue 106: 2017 5 25: Week in Brief international

Issue 104;2017 05 11: Week in Brief International

11 May 2017 Week In Brief: INTERNATIONAL NEWS Europe FRANCE:  Emmanuel Macron is to be the new president of France.  He won 66.06% of the vote in the second round of the election, beating Marine le Pen of the National Front.  But the turnout of 74% was a record low, and the number ballot papers… Continue reading Issue 104;2017 05 11: Week in Brief International

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