Issue 66: 2016 08 11: Week in Brief: International

11 August 2016 Week in Brief: International   Europe BELGIUM: An Algerian armed with a machete attacked two female police officers in Charleroi.  He was shot dead by the police. MACEDONIA: A two-week state of emergency was announced after a storm hit the capital Skopje, with 21 people dead, six missing and dozens injured.  Hundreds… Continue reading Issue 66: 2016 08 11: Week in Brief: International

Issue 5:2015 06 04:International News

4 June 2015 Week in Brief:INTERNATIONAL NEWS  USA: Rick Santorum, the former Pennsylvania senator and runner-up in the 2012 Republican primaries, has declared that he will be running for the 2016 presidential elections. The Democrat Martin O’Malley, a former governor of Maryland and mayor of Baltimore, has also declared that he will be entering the… Continue reading Issue 5:2015 06 04:International News

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