Issue 366: 2024 04 02: Cover page

Cover Page, 2 May 2024, Issue 366 Welcome to our May issue. This month we consider: gambling with public utilities; Angela Rayner and her Tory opponents; honey for MPs; tributes to our Corbynista, the late great Don Urquhart, from the Shaw Sheet and his family; rearmament – more like the 1860’s than the 1930’s?; navigation… Continue reading Issue 366: 2024 04 02: Cover page

Public Utilities

2 May 2024 Public Utilities Making bets. By John Watson No one can see the film about Mr Bates and the Post Office without being angry so naturally I vented my fury on my wife. It was she what did it, I shouted. A company, however big, is only the aggregate of its members and… Continue reading Public Utilities

Fools, Fools, Fools

2 May 2024 Fools, Fools, Fools by J.R.Thomas Angela Rayner may have lacked political nous in the way she handled her tax affairs, but she is as nothing compared with the absurd and foolish pack of Tory hounds out to drag Sir Keir’s foxy deputy to the ground for what are, let’s face it, at… Continue reading Fools, Fools, Fools


2 May 2024 Honeytraps Sex and politics. By Robert Kilconner At last the mystery is solved. After years of wondering, we begin to understand why people decide to make politics their career. It isn’t the money. We already knew that. £91,346, the annual salary of an MP, sounds quite pleasant but palls beside the amounts… Continue reading Honeytraps


4 May 2024 Corbynista A tribute. By The Shaw Sheet It is with the greatest sadness that we have to report the death of our columnist Don Urquhart, better known to our readers as Corbynista. Don was a stalwart of the Shaw Sheet team, not only as a regular columnist but also in his unfailing… Continue reading Corbynista


2 May 2024 Corbynista A tribute. By his family The value of listening The world can be a noisy place. People shout over each other to be seen and heard, to gain a platform and followers with it. What they actually think and mean doesn’t matter all that much. People manufacture images of a reality they want others to inhabit so… Continue reading Corbynista


2 May 2024 Rearmament More like the 1860’s than the 1930’s? By Neil Tidmarsh. “The Russians are coming. Today Ukraine, tomorrow Poland, Germany, France, Britain… Putin has put his country on war-footing and he’s heading this way, driven by megalomania, paranoia, ambition and resentment. And we’re not ready for him. We must rearm. It’s just… Continue reading Rearmament

Cricket, Chaos, and the Carnage

2 May 2024 Cricket, Chaos, and the Carnage of Commentary by Andrew Watson The cricket season beckons, and a shiver runs down my spine – not excitement, but the chill of foretold disaster. Once, I loved the game. Now, the thought of a mere village match makes me cringe with secondhand embarrassment. Why? It’s not… Continue reading Cricket, Chaos, and the Carnage

Where am I …. ?

2 May 2024 Where am I …. ? By Paul Branch We’ve all had the jocular holiday pilot experience: “Fasten your seatbelts folks … we’ll be landing in ten minutes at Geneva airport”.   Startled looks from the back of the plane, worried whispering, buttons being pressed to summon a steward.  And then:  “Apologies folks, my… Continue reading Where am I …. ?

Are You Old Yet?

2 May 2024 Are You Old Yet? When does that happen? By Lynda Goetz It is almost harder, I think, to write an article once a month than to do so once a week.  For a start you get out of the rhythm and then there is the problem, at the moment at least, of… Continue reading Are You Old Yet?


2 May 2024 Crossword Number 366 By Boffles Due to technical issues the interactive crossword will follow Click for a printable version of this month’s crossword Click for solution to crossword 365 Boffles 2 now available from Amazon at £6.99.Just the thing for spring evenings. Share this using… Facebook Twitter Linkedin Email Whatsapp


2 May 2024 Cartoons By AGGro Share this using… Facebook Twitter Linkedin Email Whatsapp

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