Issue 117:2017 08 10:Letters(Peter Wilson)

19 August 2017


from Mr Peter Wilson


Normal Culture for Norfolk

Frank O’Nomics is indeed right that culture is alive and well and thriving in the boondocks.  He mentions several exciting events this summer in North Norfolk but that hardly scratches the surface as to what is available to the devotee of music, art, or architectural history.  The music offering is particularly strong, with many of the great houses offering classical concerts, as do many of Norfolk’s magnificent medieval churches – allow me to single out the Priory Church at Binham, the wonderfully complete nave of the Norman priory now doubling as parish church and superb summer concert venue, which runs a programme of distinguished classical players over July, August, and September.

Nor is it all over when the tourists go back to the big cities – Norwich has a rich cultural life throughout the winter months, no doubt aided by that remoteness from London which means the populace seek their pleasures in their regional capital.

The same pattern can be seen in Newcastle-upon-Tyne which also has a tradition of great and diverse music, and now has the Sage Concert Hall to challenge any venue in the UK, and in York, Salisbury, Shrewsbury, and indeed many other towns and cities outside the reach of the Great Wen, where culture is appreciated and supported – if not always by the Arts Council.


Peter Wilson”


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