Issue 79: 2016 11 10: Week in Brief: UK

10 November 2016 Week in Brief: UK Government BREXIT VOTE: The Government is to appeal against the High Court’s ruling that giving notice to leave the EU under Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon requires an Act of Parliament.  The Attorney General’s argument that, because the action was under an international treaty it could… Continue reading Issue 79: 2016 11 10: Week in Brief: UK

Issue 45:2016 03 17: Budget Summary

17 March 2016 Budget Summary In yesterday’s budget, his eighth, George Osborne announced a reduction in the growth forecast for 2016 to 2%, from the 2.4% given in the autumn statement. The lower figures for GDP means that debt as a share of GDP is revised upwards although cash debt levels for the current year… Continue reading Issue 45:2016 03 17: Budget Summary

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