Issue 61:2016 07 07: Week in brief:Financial

07 July 2016 Week In Brief: BUSINESS AND THE CITY MIXED MESSAGES IN THREADNEEDLE STREET:  The Governor of the Bank of England is treading a very difficult high-wire at the moment.  He nailed his colours firmly to the “Remain” mast, in a way that most previous Governors have been careful to avoid in matters of… Continue reading Issue 61:2016 07 07: Week in brief:Financial

Issue 16: 2015 08 20: BUSINESS AND THE CITY

20 August 2015 News in Brief: BUSINESS AND THE CITY   NOFLATION: The new word for lack of inflation, and indeed, lack of deflation. That seems as though it might continue to be the state of the price indices in the UK for a while yet. Having escaped the fear of deflation last year, the… Continue reading Issue 16: 2015 08 20: BUSINESS AND THE CITY

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