06 April 2017 Week In Brief: BUSINESS AND THE CITY BRAKES ON AT CARR’S: Carr’s is an unusual conglomerate, combining a traditional but sizeable business of selling agricultural supplies in the UK, New Zealand, and the USA, with a technical engineering business which is strong in nuclear. The idea is that they are sufficiently diverse… Continue reading Issue99:2017 04 03: Week in Brief financial
Tag: pension deficits
Issue 78:2016 11 03:Time to rob (grandpa) Peter to pay (grandson) Paul?(Frank O’Nomics)
03 November 2016 Time to rob (grandpa) Peter to pay (grandson) Paul? A huge overhaul of the pensions system is needed but has anyone the stomach for it? by Frank O’Nomics The UK population at large, and the financial services industry in general, has had enough of changes to the pensions system. In the last… Continue reading Issue 78:2016 11 03:Time to rob (grandpa) Peter to pay (grandson) Paul?(Frank O’Nomics)