Cover Page, 19 April 2018, Issue 150 The Guardian website solicits donations from readers to help fund its production. We don’t do that, but would ask instead that you forward our articles to, and recommend us to, any contacts of yours who would be interested. If you can persuade them to register for our weekly… Continue reading Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Cover page
Issue: 150: Cat Fight
Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Lens on the Week
19 April 2018 Lens on the Week UK MESS OF THE WEEK: Mrs May and Amber Rudd have had a busy week apologising for the sinister mess the Government has made in dealing with the Windrush migrants who, despite having a legal right to be in the UK, have been threatened with deportation and, possibly,… Continue reading Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Lens on the Week
Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Macron on BFM/RMC
19 April 2018 Macron on BFM/RMC “Don’t you have a puerile sense of omnipotence?” By Richard Pooley Imagine Theresa May asking to be interviewed for two hours by John Humphries and Jeremy Paxman on a Sunday evening on both television and radio. I can’t think of any British political leader, current or past, making such… Continue reading Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Macron on BFM/RMC
Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Acid or Actuality?
19 April 2018 Acid or Actuality? Take a trip with us. By Neil Tidmarsh How often do you open a newspaper and start reading and think “Crazy! Unreal! They’re making it up! They’re pulling my leg! Is it April 1st? No! So perhaps someone’s slipped something into my tea and I’m actually tripping out in… Continue reading Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Acid or Actuality?
Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Trans or Feminist?
19 April 2018 Trans or Feminist? The brokers’ dilemma. By John Watson Sometimes it is a change in the wind, sometimes a lightening of the atmosphere, but, slight though it be, the sensitive observer will feel it and recognise the beginning of a sea change. Over then to Hendon Magistrates Court where 26 year-old transgender… Continue reading Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Trans or Feminist?
Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Diary of a Corbynista
19 April 2018 Diary of a Corbynista Theatre of the Absurd by Don Urquhart 12 April When will the OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) investigate the Douma attack and what will they be allowed to see? If the Russians and Syrians obstruct them that will tell us that there was a chemical… Continue reading Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Diary of a Corbynista
Issue 150: 2018 04 19: NHS Parking & Windrush
19 April 2018 Hospital Parking and Windrush Exercise of Judgement. by Lynda Goetz Several newspapers of different political persuasions carried the story last week of ‘Good Samaritan’ Kevin Williams who, whilst helping a woman he didn’t know, overstayed his allowed 20-minutes in an NHS hospital car park by just one second, for which he received… Continue reading Issue 150: 2018 04 19: NHS Parking & Windrush
Issue 150: 2018 04 19: People Power
19 April 2018 People power Changing everything from gender pay to arms sales. By Frank O’Nomics It is as if everyone has taken up the mantra of the recently revived play (of a film) Network: “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!” Public rage against the power of big business… Continue reading Issue 150: 2018 04 19: People Power
Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Son of the Prophet!
19 April 2018 Son of the Prophet! The House of al-Chin. By Chin Chin Sometimes, just sometimes, your prayers are answered. There I was last week complaining that there was nothing much of interest in the English newspapers, even that the French had gone one up on us in the dramatic quality of their current… Continue reading Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Son of the Prophet!
Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Camelot in Carlisle
19 April 2018 Camelot in Carlisle by J R Thomas Did the dying King Arthur throw Excalibur in the Solway? Was the Round Table to be found in the Great Hall of Carlisle Castle? Before legions of angry readers pound their keyboards in protest, pointing out that Camelot was located at (feel free to fill… Continue reading Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Camelot in Carlisle
Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Education, Education…
19 April 2018 Education, Education, Education. (A play by The Wardrobe Ensemble) at Shoreditch Town Hall. Reviewed by Adam McCormack Star rating: *** It is 1997 and eighteen years of Tory government have come to an end. For many in teaching the New Labour policy of putting education as the first three priorities of their… Continue reading Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Education, Education…
Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Picasso 1932
19 April 2018 Picasso 1932 Love, Fame, Tragedy (at Tate Modern, 8 March – 9 September) By William Morton It is common to think of artists as poverty-stricken, but of course it is not true in the case of artists such as Picasso who find success in their own lifetime. By 1932, he had left… Continue reading Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Picasso 1932
Issue 150: 2018 04 19: Cartoons
19 April 2018 Cartoons by AGGro Share this using… Facebook Twitter Linkedin Email Whatsapp