Issue 15: Crossword – This Sporting Life

13 August 2015 Crossword by Boffles This Sporting Life To see a printable version of this crossword Share this using… Facebook Twitter Linkedin Email Whatsapp

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Issue 14: Crossword – Holiday time

  6 August 2015 Crossword by Boffles Holiday time To see a printable version of this crossword       Share this using… Facebook Twitter Linkedin Email Whatsapp

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Issue 13: Crossword – Cheers

30 July 2015 Crossword by Boffles Cheers To see a printable version of this crossword     Share this using… Facebook Twitter Linkedin Email Whatsapp

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Issue 12: Crossword – A spot of literature – printable

23 July 2015 Crossword by Boffles A spot of literature       1 Leading romantic novelist (6)     3  Description of elusive Dickens character (6)     8  Mental torment was endured under a Mexican one (7)   10  Gerontius’ was set to music (5)   11  Enjoyed with Rosie (5)   12  Successfully chronicled (6)… Continue reading Issue 12: Crossword – A spot of literature – printable

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Issue 11: Crossword – Europe

16 July 2015 Crossword by Boffles Europe To see a printable version of this crossword Share this using… Facebook Twitter Linkedin Email Whatsapp

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