The Shaw Sheet

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6 June 2024

The Shaw Sheet

Writers needed

By the Editors

Three score years and ten is the period allocated by the psalmist and nowadays life expectancy is a little bit longer than that. Still, it is all rather beside the point because the question is not so much how long you live but what you do with the time allotted to you.

So what about that period after retirement? Is it to be spent skimming the news and watching daytime television? Or are there talents you have never fully explored. You may not paint like Picasso, act like Branagh or speak like Cicero, but it would be surprising if after an interesting career you did not have things to say that are worth hearing and, give or take a little practice, the ability to make yourself heard. If that is the case we have just the role for you.

The sad death of our much loved columnist Corbynista has left the Shaw Sheet short of contributors. We only come out monthly so it is not a big commitment and for those who do not wish to commit we welcome occasional articles. Either way there is the opportunity to get your views out there, possibly to influence the reforms which a change of government is likely to spark. Why don’t you join us? After all, the choice is a stark one. Use your talents to become an opinion former and participate in the national debate or spend the extra time God gives you in reading detective stories and watching daytime television, probably wearing a cardigan.

Come and join us. Have a go. Email [email protected] for a copy of the writers’ guidelines.

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