Issue 72: Crossword by Boffles – Scandals and -gates – printable

22 September 2016

Crossword by Boffles


Scandals and -gates


1 A Simpson who caused a right royal problem (6)
4 The -gate involving the Contras and Oliver North (4)
8 Type of newspaper that loves them (7)
10 Deplorable activity of peacekeeping missions (2,3)
11 In short, Keith Vaz seems to have thought he was entitled to some rest and relaxation (3)
12 These affairs frequently feature (7)
13 A Christine whose liaisons shook the Establishment (6)
15 Anne whose marriage led to the break with Rome (6)
19 Some of these hardliners love Hillary in spite of her email problem (7)
21 Lady Caroline Lamb’s with Byron caused one (5)
22 Byron went into a self-imposed one as result of one of many involving him (5)
23 Social lubricant often a contributing factor (7)
24 Anthony Weiner is one such American who has had too much exposure (4)
25 They go in for operatic ones here (2,5)
1 The -gate that started it all and led to the downfall of 6dn (5)
2 Rate that was dishonestly fixed (5)
3 Amazing now to think people used to ……… Jimmy Savile (7)
5 His book was considered to be one or worse by Muslims (7)
6 US president some of whose plumbers broke into the 1dn -gate (5)
7 Unabashed African leader always involved in them (4)
9 The Russians faked these tests (4)
13 This US family has had a fair number (7)
14 Many a one has featured in them – Lord Lucan, Darius Guppy etc etc (7)
16 In the bad old days, a lot of corruption was involved in the sale of these posts (7)
17 Kitchen goddess who has got burnt several times (7)
18 The PM of this country and his wife have a talent for causing them (6)
20 Kind of prison Ernest ‘Guinness’ Saunders went to (4)

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