Issue 128: Crossword – Plain Vanilla 26 – printable

9 November  2017

Crossword by Boffles

boffles crossword

Plain Vanilla 26

1 Palindromic Swedes. Mamma Mia! (4)
3 What you need to solve a crossword clue according to the French? (3,5)
9 Smiley character? No – his creator (2,5)
10 Given to hopping freight trains (5)
11 Had right-wing sisters and wrote about the pursuit of love (5,7)
13 Fridge precursor (6)
15 Sense you have seen something before (4,2)
17 Dance or ballet on ice? (3,9)
20 Scrooge is the classic one (5)
21 A thesis may get you this (2,1)
22 Given to actors so they can play billiards? (3)
23 Wrote ‘I kiss’d her slender hand, She took the kiss sedately; Maud is not seventeen, But she is tall and stately’ (8)
24 Monarch with troublesome daughters (4)

1 ‘And the gilded car of day, His glowing axle doth allay in the …….. stream’ Milton (8)
2 What Shakespeare’s plays brought home? (5)
4 Gaulish menhir deliveryman (6)
5 One of several Presidents with a lively private life (4,1,7)
6 Where Trotsky and Stalin and many others took enforced holidays (7)
7 Was Captain Marryat’s midshipman simple? (4)
8 Leading artist sometimes known as Claire (7,5)
12 Poor helmsmanship the result of bad guidance? (3,5)
14 US essayist who teamed up with Lake and Palmer? (7)
16 On off economic policy sometimes adopted by the UK (4-2)
18 Dutch, Remus or Sam, for example (5)
19 A lot of such talk in Parliament, so we are led to believe (4)

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