4 May 2017
Crossword by Boffles
Rhyme Time
5 What the king drank in Dunfermline town while searching for a skeely skipper (5,3,4)
8 Auld Ayr, wham ne'er a town surpasses, For honest men and ......lasses.' Burns (6)
9 ' O, gie me the lass that has acres of o'......., O, gie me the lass wi' the weel-stockit farms.' Burns (6)
10 See 3dn (4)
12 'England's on the anvil -hear the hammers ring -, Clanging from the ........to the Tyne!' Kipling (6)
14 'In the ........ of the heart, Let the healing fountain start' Auden (7)
15 'Pitt ... Addington As London .. .. Paddington' Canning (2,2)
17 'I sometimes think that never blows so red The Rose as where some ....... Caesar bled' Fitzgerald (6)
18 Christopher Robin went down there with Alice to see the changing of the guard (6)
20 It ' sailed away for a year and a day, To the land where the Bong-tree grows' Lear (3-5,4)
1 'He for God only, she for God in him; His fair large front and eye sublime declared ...... ...., Does Milton equate Adam with people like Ivan the Terrible? (8,4)
2 'Man marks the earth with .... - his control Stops with the shore.' Byron (4)
3 According to Bette Midler, all the Hawaian ones are full of musical peaches who bring their 10ac along (7)
4 'Then the liars and .....are fools for there are liars and ...... enow to beat the honest men and hang up them' Shakespeare (8)
6 ' I had a dove and the sweet dove .... , And I have thought it .... of grieving' Keats (4)
7 It's a difficult matter. ' It isn't just one of your holiday games' Eliot (6,2,4)
11 ' There midnight's all a-glimmer, and noon a purple glow, And .....full of the linnet's wings. ' Yeats (7)
13 'Much had he read , Much more had seen; he ..... from the life, And in th' original perus'd mankind' Armstrong (7)
16 'Afoot and light-hearted I take to the ..... road, Healthy , free, the world before me' Whitman (4)
19 'She left the web, she left the ........, She made three paces thro' the room' Tennyson (4)