Issue 73: Crossword – Poetry Corner – printable

29 September 2016

Crossword by Boffles


Poetry Corner


6  Burial plot correctly envisaged by Rupert Brooke (1,7,5)
8 Gathering birds that, according to Keats, did not tweet but did twitter (8)
9 Subject virtually all of them have something to say about (4)
10 ‘Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness’  addressed by Keats to this sort of urn (7)
12 ‘Nor shall my ……. sleep in my hand’  Blake (5)
14 Non-PC cargo of a quinquireme of Nineveh    Masefield (5)
16  ‘ I ‘ve had my fun o’ the Corp’ral’s Guard; I’ve made the ……… fly’  Kipling  (not the panto character) (7)
19 Water, water, everywhere, nor any ….. to drink’  Coleridge (4)
20 ‘ I yearn’d for warmth and colour which I found in {famous knight}’  Tennyson (8)
22 The noble six hundred rode into it (6,2,5)
1 ‘Party spirit, which at best is but the madness of many for the gain of .. …’  Pope (1,3)
2 ‘Now for a ……,! Now for a leap! Now for a mad-cap chase’ as the wind said on waking one morning.  Howitt (6)
3 Barrack and ……. shall be your friendly refuge’  Auden (himself probably not a keen camper) (7)
4 A breaking …….: even whilst we speak Is it not broken?  Shelley (sounds like William is in debt!) (6)
5 According to Kipling, it takes such a woman to manage a fool (6)
7 Not the architect but the one responsible for ‘Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker’ (4)
11 Flows through Grantchester and a UK educated Chinese poet was willing to be a waterweed in it. (5,3)
13 ‘But if you happen to be deaf and dumb, nod with your hand to ……. as much’   Housman indicated (7)
15 In the muted , measured note of a ……. under archways or a lone cave’s stillicide’    Give a wave to Hardy (6)
17 ‘ Her eyes were …….. than the depth of water stilled at even’  Rossetti (6)
18 ‘ He says , my reign is peace, so ….. a thousand in the dead of night’   Landor (5)
21 Three kings swore a solemn one  ‘John Barleycorn should die’  Burns (4)

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